Twenty-nine and now a single mother of four very young children was my new life.  I had suffered heart break of the worst kind and EVERYTHING I thought I knew, was now changed.  
I had my family, my children and friends to support me and love me, but after many years of merging my identity with my husbands, I was no longer with him.  
I had to look at my life and make some hard changes.  I knew I HAD to get fit.  I knew I wanted to get married again, and that would require me to be thin and attractive.  
Remember, in my childhood days, I equated fit and thin with likeable???  Well, that stuck with me and all of a sudden, I WANTED to be likeable.  I wanted to find a new husband.  I wanted to stop feeling my pain.  
I turned back to something that worked before and that was exercise.  I spent hours and hours exercising and getting fit.  
It really wasn't long before the men took notice and it made me even more driven to be thinner.  
I stopped eating and dropped over 100 pounds in well under a years time.  
I had lots of attention, dates and friends and I was loving life for the first time in years.  
My brain never thought I was dealing with thinking errors.  
I was never going back and thats what I truly believed! 

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