Two weeks have now passed!  Other than my lack of ability to eat, It seems strange thinking that I ever had the surgery.  My body is nearly healed and energy levels are increasing daily.  My Dr. informed me yesterday that I can expect to feel fatigue for a few weeks, still.  I decided to take 6 weeks leave of absence from work so I will have plenty of time to heal!  I am glad I did, there is no rush to get back on my feet and I am more able to follow the lead of my body's needs.  I have started to get out and walk, and have even started with some simple, light weight strength moves.  I am anxiously awaiting when I can be strong enough to hit the gym for a good, sweat drenching workout!  

Last Friday, I woke up in the morning with a pain in my chest, lung area.  The normal me would dismiss it and give myself a day or two to fight off whatever I was dealing with.  However, knowing that bypass patients have many things that can go wrong, I went into the ER for tests.  I spent all day in the ER being poked and prodded and stuck.  After ruling out heart issues, blood clots, leaks in my new pouch, I found out I had come down with pneumonia.  Thankfully, it was a mild case and I caught it quickly, so the effects of it were able to be minimized.  I spent a night in the hospital and got lots of fluids and antibiotics, which allowed me to be back up on my feet in no time!  I felt a little frustrated, but actually realize because I sought out help immediately, I didn't suffer too much setback.  

Food continues to be a challenge for me, I am struggling to learn to eat slow enough.  Years of speedy eating is proving to be a hard habit to break.  The more discomfort I feel, the more I learn to slow down!  Otherwise, not too many issues here! I am still grateful for this opportunity to improve my health!  Looking forward to continued improvement and heightened energy and strength!

This weeks Stats:
Start Weight:  310
Day of Surgery:300

Two Week weigh-in: 276

Weight loss since surgery: 24 pounds
Total Weight loss: 34 pounds 

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