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I am a bit of a slacker, so this isn't exactly a two month update...rather it's been two months and one week!  
Regardless, it's UPDATE TIME!!!
The complications seem to have passed; the last one being the stricture I had.  I have, however, had several issues with eating too fast or too much.  My body is doing exactly what it is supposed to be doing when that happens; by creating major discomfort for me, promptly followed by the food finding its way back up.  My Dr. assures me this is as it should be and part of the "retraining" process so I learn to eat slower and chew more thoroughly!  It is working!!!

My Diet-
 I am now eating many things, including soft and very tender meats.  I have things that I love, such as tomato soup, V-8, mashed potatoes and cheese.  I also have things I have lost my taste for such as sweets, bananas and breads.  I will occasionally eat a piece of well-toasted bread, but for the most part, I have developed an aversion to most bread products.  They come off as doughy and tasteless to me now.  Protein drinks and bars are super sweet to me too, and I have to force myself to ingest them so I can get my much needed protein.  I eat tiny amounts still.  I can eat about a half a cup to 3/4 cup of liquid foods such as tomato soup, but can only eat about 1/3-1/2 cup of solid foods.  Meats fill me up fastest with me only being to eat about 1 oz at a time.  I have also started eating vegetables such as broccoli, carrots and zucchini. 

My Exercise-
I started walking several weeks ago, and have slowly added in some jogging as I walk.  I am walking up to 3 miles most days, and several days a week I have added evening walks with friends at the park, or with my family around my hilly neighborhood.  I am headed back to the gym and spinning classes today!  I have made a goal to ride in a bike relay in September and so I have lots of training to do to get ready for it!  Step one is to get my endurance up, which I will focus on over the next month.  I will also be adding core and strength exercises slowly over the next couple of months!  
I can also tell you that my hard work has started!  
Exercising is much more difficult post-bypass that  pre- bypass. My body no longer can take in the calories to sustain vigorous exercises so I feel as if I have bricks on my shoes most days!  It is truly hard work, but I am determined to do this!!!

My Weight Loss-

I have to admit, I hit a small plateau for a few weeks, followed by a couple of weeks of slow loss.  I am happy to announce that in the past week, I seem to be back to nearly a pound a day loss!  I am also shrinking quickly.  I started at a size 22 jeans and 24 dress.  I am now swimming in size 18 jeans, ready to drop into my 16's, and I am in a 16 dress.  I did not take my starting measurements, so I am unsure of inches lost, but I am definitely shrinking!  I am excited to see the results quicken as I add more exercise!  

Weight loss to date: 57 pounds (should hit 60 pounds mark this week!!!) 

I am on track for my 80 pound loss goal I have set for end of May!!!!



4/30/2012 02:35:53 am

You are in inspiration. Can't wait for our next walk/talk. Love you!!

4/30/2012 12:41:41 pm

Faye! Holy cow!!! just got caught up with your dealings!!! holy smokes!!!! HOLY SMOKES!!! Keep it up! Such an inspiration! Do tell me when you pau jumping out of the plane... i am going to do that next year for the 40th... Love ya girl!

faye scott
4/30/2012 12:55:52 pm

Thanks D!!! I feel great, and am soooo happy I made the decision to get surgery! I am jumping out of the plane in June sometime.....nervous, yet I have to admit I am excited too! : ) I will surely let you know how it goes! Love ya too!


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