Argh!  I know I did my research on bypass surgery, but doing research and going through it are very different things.  I have not been able to eat or drink for a few days now without lots of pain and discomfort.  I spoke to my Dr this morning and I am now headed back to the hospital.  This time it will be outpatient though, so thankfully NO overnight stays.  Apparently, my stoma (the opening from my pouch to my intestines) is scaring over and not allowing food, water or even stomach acid to go down.  So, I get to go get scoped today.  YAY!!! So excited for that.  He did inform me that I will feel so much better by days end, so I guess I have that to look forward to.  I really should not be so pessimistic, and really, I am trying REALLY hard to remain positive.  I am worn out though and tired of setbacks....I just want to feel normal again and have energy and feel like myself!  Anyway....I am sure I will be glad I had this surgery, but today is just one of those days I ask myself what the heck was I thinking.......I just keep remembering that there is opposition in ALL things, and that does not exclude this surgery.  Anyway....I've now vented and now onto more positive thoughts!  My weight loss is crazy good, down 41 pounds this morning, and THAT, I am grateful for!  : )
Two weeks have now passed!  Other than my lack of ability to eat, It seems strange thinking that I ever had the surgery.  My body is nearly healed and energy levels are increasing daily.  My Dr. informed me yesterday that I can expect to feel fatigue for a few weeks, still.  I decided to take 6 weeks leave of absence from work so I will have plenty of time to heal!  I am glad I did, there is no rush to get back on my feet and I am more able to follow the lead of my body's needs.  I have started to get out and walk, and have even started with some simple, light weight strength moves.  I am anxiously awaiting when I can be strong enough to hit the gym for a good, sweat drenching workout!  

Last Friday, I woke up in the morning with a pain in my chest, lung area.  The normal me would dismiss it and give myself a day or two to fight off whatever I was dealing with.  However, knowing that bypass patients have many things that can go wrong, I went into the ER for tests.  I spent all day in the ER being poked and prodded and stuck.  After ruling out heart issues, blood clots, leaks in my new pouch, I found out I had come down with pneumonia.  Thankfully, it was a mild case and I caught it quickly, so the effects of it were able to be minimized.  I spent a night in the hospital and got lots of fluids and antibiotics, which allowed me to be back up on my feet in no time!  I felt a little frustrated, but actually realize because I sought out help immediately, I didn't suffer too much setback.  

Food continues to be a challenge for me, I am struggling to learn to eat slow enough.  Years of speedy eating is proving to be a hard habit to break.  The more discomfort I feel, the more I learn to slow down!  Otherwise, not too many issues here! I am still grateful for this opportunity to improve my health!  Looking forward to continued improvement and heightened energy and strength!

This weeks Stats:
Start Weight:  310
Day of Surgery:300

Two Week weigh-in: 276

Weight loss since surgery: 24 pounds
Total Weight loss: 34 pounds 

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