I really do not know where to start because it has been so long since I last posted.  
I debated deleting this blog but then I realized I still have visitors and followers reading my previous posts and so I decided I would continue to blog my journey!  

I guess I will start where I left off...
 I have had nearly every conceivable change in my life since my gastric bypass surgery. Not only did my appearance completely change, but I left my toxic marriage, moved back to my hometown, changed jobs, religious preferences, friendships changed, my Dad passed away, I had more medical issues and the list goes on and on.  And that was just in the very first year post gastric bypass. 

 One might say I experienced a bit of an identity crisis...
 I would not dispute that.  In fact, I believe that the quick physical changes and the decision to make drastic life changes so early after my surgery, put me in a bit of a whirlwind effect.  While I do not regret my decisions, I do wish I had taken a little more time in making them happen to avoid the craziness I experienced during my first year post surgery.

My physical results:
I lost 140 pounds total
I went from size 24 to size 8 at my smallest
physically unrecognizable to those who knew me before weight loss

My complications during 2nd year:
Inability to keep food down or eat most foods
severe anemia requiring blood transfusion
intestinal blockage requiring surgery
removal of 2 feet of intestines
revision of gastric bypass surgery
ulcers requiring acid blocking drugs for life
exploratory surgery showed initial surgery was performed incorrectly causing all of the above issues
random abdominal pain for unspecified reasons

Now I am on my 3rd year since gastric bypass surgery and I am determined to reach my goals. 
 I have  gained back 20 pounds, in part because it is normal to have some weight gain, but also from not being able to exercise due to health issues and a pregnancy that resulted in a late miscarriage.
 My body is soft from lack of exercise and I have lots of excess skin in my abdominal area.  I also have many ugly scars from 4 surgeries in 2 years.  

Some good things:
I met the love of my life and am now very happily married to him
I have a job I love
My kids are all healthy and happy
I have a new home and so many things I am grateful for
My health is continually improving
I have peace, joy and stability unknown to me for many, many years
I have a strong sense of self
I am gradually gaining strength and getting back to my love of fitness
Now is the time for me to continue to focus on waging my war and achieve more of my goals.  

I am often asked if I regret my decision to have weight loss surgery.  It does no good to regret a choice already made.  All I can do is continue to overcome challenges from the surgery and make it a decision I am proud of and grateful for. 
 I have learned that this journey is just that...a journey.  It is has no destination, it is ongoing, evolving and takes daily diligence. 
As I navigate it I continue to learn more, grow and hopefully encourage others to be healthier along the way.  
Today I am grateful, I am healthier, I am happier and I am more motivated than ever to make my journey
 one full of successes!  
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